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Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Tips for Ideal Results

Remodeling your kitchen or bath is one of the bigger home renovation jobs, but can yield the best results too.

Because you are in these rooms so much, when you update them it changes the whole look and feel of your home.

Kitchen and bathroom remodels tend to get the biggest return on investment because they are highly valued by buyers when it is time to sell your home.

Ready to remodel, make your home look better and increase its value? Here are our tips for ideal results.

Considerations for Your Planning

What kind of budget can you manage for this project? Is there a contingency fund within that amount?

It’s always a good idea to have a buffer, no matter what your remodel project is.

Will you live onsite during the remodel? How will you work around not having a kitchen and/or bathroom?

This can be stressful and inconvenient, so it is a good idea to plan ahead to accommodate this disruption.

Now it’s time to select your fixtures, colors, counters, grout, tile, flooring and accessories.

There are loads of ideas to choose from so it can seem overwhelming. Get a consult from a decorator or look for inspiration in magazines or online.

When you get to the actual design of your kitchen or bathroom, consider the space that you’ve got already?

Does it work within its current footprint or do you need a full gut?

Don’t forget storage and ventilation- both important components of your kitchen and bathroom.

Fixture Updates

You might as well get two-for-one if you are updating your plumbing fixtures. Take advantage of some of the advances in water use efficiency in the last few years.

Dual flush toilets are sleek and use a fraction of the water that regular toilets do. Low-flow showerheads use little water to get you squeaky clean.

Motion activated faucets let you only use the water you need, reducing water waste greatly.

Do you drink bottled water? Those bottles are expensive and bad for the environment. Have a water filtration system put in your kitchen and save your money (and the planet).

Hiring the Pros

When you are seeking professional help for your remodel job, price matters.

But so does experience, attention to detail, workmanship, track record of excellence and a long list of satisfied customers.

Always ask for references.

Make sure that your contractor is insured.

Ask about policies around payment schedule, work hours and cleanup process.

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