You Can’t Shower Without a Water Heater!

Do you like your morning baths cold? Or how about an early morning shower with freezing water? If you’re like most, chances are the answer is no! Warm showers are what keep us relaxed, soothed, and comfortable. To ensure that your water is the right temperature, you need to make sure that you pay attention […]
Do You Want to Spend Your Valentine’s Day With Your Plumber?

What kinds of plans do you have for this Valentine’s Day? Are you planning to spend the night in with a loved one, or go out to a nice restaurant? Are you going on a first date, or preparing to ask your long-time love a very important question this Valentine’s Day? While taking your relationship […]
The Technological BOOM! of Bathroom Plumbing

Welcome to the future! A world where your shower is automatically set to your preferred temperature and water pressure, and where your toilet can save the planet. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Well, at Magic Plumbing, we want to make that dream your reality by opening your eyes to the technological boom of bathroom […]
Experiencing Toilet Troubles? Here are some Easy DIY Fixes

When your bathroom plumbing isn’t working like you expect it to, it can create some problems in your household, to say the least. In particular, when your toilet isn’t working, it can be very inconvenient. If the trouble is that your toilet won’t flush, there are actually a few solutions available to you. Here is […]